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"Larissa & Tylers" Tiny House

After touring two of our completed tiny homes, this client was inspired to build their own unique tiny house. They decided to go tiny because they only had a small space and didn't want the big mortgage that a house brings. At just 6m long, this is a truly tiny Tiny House. Designed to fit into a tight spot in a suburban location, this tiny house even has a detachable drawbar to save on space outside the tiny house. Being young and fit these clients chose to forgo the comfort of a staircase for a vertical ladder fixed to the wall - a super space saving solution. These clients often work from home, so they've chosen to have a dedicated office space similar to the Millennial tiny house prototype, where your feet hang down below the loft into a footwell in the kitchen. The other unique feature is the net that spans between the two lofts. It acts first and foremost as a safety feature, but it's also an awesome place to chill out and read a book!

Completed March 2019

Completion Date

6m long x 2.4w x 4.2h, Weighed in at 3102kg ex removable items


Stage 3 build (turn-key, completed build)


On-grid 16 amp connection, with a simple caravan plug.


2 lofts

Sleeping Spaces

Larissa and Tyler
Larissa and Tyler

Jason, Steve, Mike & Ray. Subbies: Graham, Jason P, Dave & Jamie

Build Team

Our in-house designer Gina


Steel frame, colour-steel exterior cladding, double glazed aluminium windows, lightweight poplar core plywood interior linings with a painted finish.


"Experience building with you was so stress-free and easy to follow. Learnt a lot too. It was really easy that you guys were close and we could drop by anytime. You and your team have gone above and beyond our expectations" - Larissa & Tyler.
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